Thursday, November 14, 2019

Practice Essay based off piece of Agent Carter

In the excerpt of the film "Agent Carter' that we were assigned to analyze there are multiple extract constructs used to enhance the quality of the film. The film uses a variety of sounds, different edits,camera shots and angles, and mise-en-scene elements to piece the film together magnificently.

The excerpt begins with the use of parallelism, by using alternating shots of Steve, who is flying a ship in the line of battle, and Peggy, as she sits in the office pleading for a bigger role, we become aware of not only the difference of these characters and their roles, but also the few similarities they share. As while they're both in completely separate roles, with Steve in battle and Peggy in a much safer environment, we see that Peggy would prefer to contribute in the same way Steve does, for the same organizations. This further develops into the next scene, where Peggy decides to take things into her own hands. On top of the use of parallelism, the filmmakers also incorporated Leitmotif, allowing viewers to be reminded of the scene from Agent Carter when another scene incorporates the sound from this film.

The film also took advantage of different camera shots, using a variety of angles to enhance the quality and storyline of the film. An establishing shot gave a view of New York City moderately late at night, this shot allows viewers to grasp the setting of this particular scene. This scene also shows the crowdedness and action of the city, very telling of what is about to happen in the scene. Additionally, an over the shoulder shot is utilized as the two men for Peggy's situation address her and as Peggy talks back to them. Painting a picture that Peggy is on an equal playing field as the two men, just as tough and strong, which is a nice change of pace from the sexism witnessed earlier in the film.

Sound is also used masterfully to enhance the quality of the film, non synchronous sound is used when Steve and Peggy contacting each other through radio during the flip scene of the clip. This sound is significant in light of the fact that it sets the film up for a need to keep moving and alarm by making the absolute first scene comprehensive of such a frenzy. There is also a use of non-diegetic sounds when there is passionate, abrasive violin music playing in the background. Inducing a feeling of torment and pity, for Steve’s circumstance.

The producers also incorporated mise-en-scene, such as the dreary lighting used at the office, also showing the audience not only how lame and dreary the characters’ jobs are, but also how much it affects Peggy mentally, and how badly she wishes to play a bigger role. Peggy is talking about her future with her chief, where the lighting shows up of a higher key, which symbolizes expectation and hope for her future. Likewise, concerning arranging, there is an utilization of hindering wherein the entirety of Peggy's male collaborators are set close to one another as she remains solitary which shows how for this timeframe, men were viewed as progressively predominant. In summation, the filmmakers used an exquisite combination of Camera shots and angles, editing techniques, mise-en-scene, and sound to create the cinematic masterpiece that is “Agent Carter”.

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